Some apps and ideas designed to keep your teens safer behind the wheel


Verizon recommendation, Live2Txt is an Android app that allows users to block incoming calls and texts. Simply download the app and turn it ‘on’ before driving, so that all incoming notifications, texts, and calls will be silenced. It will even alert the sender that you can’t respond because you’re driving, too.


This iOS/Android app gives instant feedback on your kids’ driving. Parents can set maximum driving speed and set predefined safe driving areas. When these get violated, parents will receive alerts.

TXT Shield

Today recommends downloading TXT Shield. It’s an Android app that connects to a device’s GPS and location trackers, then shuts off the ability to send and receive texts.

SafeTexting R

An iOS app, SafeTexting R doesn’t stop your kids from texting but it does give helpful reminders that might help teens ignore or stop using their phones while driving.


Of course, it’s still best for parents to model “don’t text while driving” to their kids. Diana Graber, co-founder of the digital literacy site, told CNN that parents do a tremendous disservice to their kids when they text and drive.

“We have to remember that every time we do that, there’s a child watching,” Graber explained. “Maybe it’s a child that’s not even watching yet but they’re going to remember that that’s a behavior that we have condoned.”


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