Why You Need a Lawyer After an Uber Accident

When you book a trip via Uber or any other ridesharing app, you probably never think about what would happen if you got into an accident. You always face the risk of a car accident when you get into a car. But what happens if your Uber accident resulted from a careless Uber driver?

If you are a victim of an Uber accident, one question you may have after the accident is whether you need a lawyer. You deserve compensation after an Uber accident. But, Uber accidents can get complicated since they involve the Uber driver, the company, other drivers involved in the accident, and you, the victim.

A Lawyer Helps You Determine Your Claim’s Worth 

Many accident victims assume that the only compensation they need after an Uber accident is for their medical bills. But you can also claim compensation for:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Lowered quality of life after the accident
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of irreplaceable items
  • Loss of earning capacity

Without prior experience with rideshare accidents, you may not know how to determine the value of your losses. You will likely accept a low settlement offer and miss out on your chance of getting the compensation you deserve.

Personal injury attorneys work with experts to determine the actual value of your damages after a rideshare accident. Your attorney helps you account for every loss and inconvenience you experienced after the accident and ensures it is reflected in the compensation you ultimately receive.

A Lawyer Helps You Navigate the Insurance Process 

After an Uber accident, you can pursue compensation for damages from the Uber driver’s insurance. Insurance companies try to minimize the amount of money they have to pay claimants. Therefore, the driver’s insurance provider will attempt to lowball you with an offer that barely covers your medical damages after the accident.

If the driver’s insurance is inadequate to cover your damages, you can pursue compensation from Uber’s insurance. However, this is only possible if the driver was on the Uber app during the accident.

Uber offers third-party coverage of up to $50,000 for bodily injury per individual after an accident. But, getting this compensation is also not easy. Insurance providers work vigorously to refute your claim. If you do not understand the terms of Uber insurance policies, you will have difficulty proving your claim.

A lawyer handles all communications and negotiations between you and the insurance companies. They will not rest until you get fair compensation.

A Lawyer Helps You File an Uber Accident Lawsuit 

If initial negotiations with the rideshare company’s insurance provider do not work out, your lawyer can file a lawsuit on your behalf

If your Uber accident case goes to trial, the first hurdle you face is proving that the Uber driver was negligent. There are four elements you must prove to show negligence.

  • The Uber driver owed you a reasonable duty of care
  • The Uber driver breached their duty of care
  • The breach of duty of care caused the accident
  • Your injuries were a direct result of the accident

An attorney helps you gather evidence to prove your claim. They also prepare a convincing argument to prove that the driver’s negligence caused the accident and your injuries. Having an attorney by your side significantly improves your chances of a positive outcome in court.

A rideshare accident attorney is an asset after an Uber accident. They handle your case while you take time to recover from your accident and ensure you get the justice you deserve. If you are an Uber accident victim, the attorneys at The Jaklitsch Law Group want to help. Contact us today for a case consultation.


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