AAA takes on Maryland Speed Cameras

By Jaklitsch Law Group of Jaklitsch Law Group on Monday, December 16, 2013.

Have you seen this email from AAA?


Dear AAA Member:

Enough is enough! Many of Maryland’s speed camera programs are out of control. We’ve seen motorists in stationary vehicles get speeding tickets. Some jurisdictions have created “school zones” where there are no schools to operate speed cameras solely for profit. Baltimore City’s cameras were so riddled with problems that they were shut down. We need your help to stop the abuses of these poorly run programs and to put the focus back on safety – not making money.

ACT NOW to help us get these programs fixed in 2014 by visiting the AAA Issues Action Center and sending a letter to your local Maryland legislators. Tell them that they need to finish the job they left undone in 2013 and that you want fixing Maryland’s automated speed camera enforcement programs to be a priority of the 2014 General Assembly! Help us protect you and all Maryland motorists from the abuses of the revenue-focused speed camera programs.

Lawmakers will be back in Annapolis on January 8. Now is the time to tell your representatives that speed camera legislation reform must be a priority in 2014!

Thank you for your time and for being a valued voice with AAA.

Thank you,

Ronald W. Kosh
Vice President, Public & Government Affairs
AAA Mid-Atlantic

P.S. Please forward this to any family or friends who are also Maryland residents.


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